Mailzine |

Letter No.3 (2002-12-20) |
Patent News |
Hot News
Patent applications relating to e-mail application technology
are soaring
According to the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO),
patent applications relating to e-mail application technology
have increased by an average of 146% a year. As domestic e-mail
users amount to 20.088 million, and over 100 million e-mails
circulate per day, the e-mail related patent applications
are mounting up in order to administer and transfer the e-mails
effectively. Application trends according to applicant show
that Korean applicants account for 2,116 cases or 90.5%, while
foreign applicants, including the U.S. and Japan, for 221
cases. It points to Korea's advanced technology in this field.
Currently, patent applications relating to e-mail application
are increasing rapidly, which are extending to various fields,
such as video conferencing, home automation, GPS, remote education,
transmission to cell phones or PDAs, freight forwarding brokerage,
auction bidding, etc.
The KIPO enlarges real time internet services
The KIPO announced on Dec. 13, 2002 that the issuance of
various kinds of certificates relating to patent will be available
through real time internet services from next year. Formerly,
the KIPO received the civil application through internet and
dispatched the applied-for certificates via postal service,
and therefore, it took a few days to received the certificates.
Also, the internet-banking available banks will be enlarged
to all kind of banks for the civil convenience, and the prearranged
date of determination of trial examination is previously noticed
for the concerned parties to sufficiently state their opinions
and submit the necessary documents.
In addition, the time limit to enter the national phase of
PCT patent applications will be 30 months from the priority
date from March 11th of next year, which was formerly 20 months
to 30 months according to whether the preliminary examination
was requested or not. And starting from May 11th of next year,
patent right does not extinguished if only part of the registration
fee is paid within the due date.
The KIPO is also planning to provide patent informations
re U.S., Japan, Europe, etc. through internet web site
Search News |
We are doing Search & Analysis project of News Brief and Technology Trend Analysis
on the emerging New Technologies. For example, Bluetooth Network Access Point, Microstrip
dualband antenna, Routing mechanism study of Wireless mobile ad-hoc network etc.
And we are doing Patent Map project for medium and small-sized enterprises to help enhancing
their competity and productivity increase.
Patyellow News |
Patyellow China Office Opened
PATYELLOW foreign patent & trademark department opened a
China office located in Shimyang to provide clients with more
efficient patent services in China. In China office, we provide
various patent related services, i.e., patent and trademark
searches, application, translation, SDI services, operation
of Patyellow website in Chinese version, sales of patent related
CD-ROMs, etc. We are also planning to establish an incorporation
in China, and continue to provide clients with most efficient
patent services at moderate prices.
China Office Address :
Telephone No. : 86-24-8980-5092 |
Fax No. : 86-24-8980-6230 |