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Letter No.26 (2004-11-26) |
Korean IP News |
Public Institutes Plan To Promote Patent Transfer.
The government plans to manage a virtual patent market providing information on patents owned by public institutions, such as Korea Electronics Technology Institute, and enabling to check intentions of transactions so that patent technologies owned by public research institutes can be easily transferred to private companies.
Also, it plans to examine a method to provide tax exemptions for companies which avert filing international patent applications because of the costly charge reaching 5 million one per case.
According to the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy (MOCIE), the government ministry has decided to prepare these countermeasures in relation to the recent patent disputes between Korean and Japanese companies.
The government plans to synthetically identify "sleeping technologies" of public research institutes and university laboratories that have not been commercialized and then to build a database of such technologies so that private companies can selectively purchase the technologies.
24 Hrs Non-stop E-Application Service.
From next year, a new era of 24-hour nonstop electronic application services will be opened.
According to the KIPO, the electronic application services, which are currently provided only during working hours of week days, will be extended first to night time services from early next Februrary, and then to weekend services from next November.
KIPOnet Becoming a Global Patent System.
In cooperation with WIPO, KIPO is developing software to manage electronic international PCT applications for utilization by patent offices of world member countries of the PCT.
Called 'PCT-ROAD' (PCT Receiving Office Administration), this software will enable reception and processing of PCT applications when applicants file them in electronic form. KIPO expects to supply it to all the world patent offices in the first half of 2005.
KIPO Commissioner Kim Jong-Gap hoped world patent offices also would be able to improve their services by utilizing the PCT-ROAD, stressing, "PCT-ROAD has enhanced Korea's patent administration efficiency significantly."
WIPO's Deputy Secretary General Francis Gurry said, "Thanks to PCT-ROAD, all applicants over the whole world will be able to file PCT applications electronically and receive time and economic benefits evenly." He added that the software would be a starting point to automate PCT-related documents at all global patent offices, including WIPO, due to stimulation of electronic applications through utilization of the software.
To invigorate electronic applications, WIPO developed and provided 'PCT-SAFE' software to all global applicants free of charge in February this year, while also giving a fee-reduction benefit up to 300 Swiss Francs (about 280,000 won) for electronic filing of applications. Although patent applicants around the world can prepare PCT applications electronically, they do not enjoy all of the possible convenience and economic benefits due to the lack of a document receipt and processing system at the PCT receiving office.
As KIPO is already utilizing the software developed earlier by the office for electronic document receipt and processing, it decided to develop the PCT-ROAD jointly at the request of WIPO. When development is completed, all the world patent offices will be able to download the software from the homepages of WIPO and KIPO free of charge.
PCT-ROAD software can process electronic patent applications formatted on physical media like CD-R, DVD and floppy disk. Document format processing is also possible.
The features of PCT-ROAD also include judgment of the suitability of international applications according to PCT's legal and technical requirements, issue of application receipt number and certificates of receipt and the integration into a PC workstation database of electronic applications prepared in physical media formats like CD-R.
Patyellow News
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IP Application Intro.
We work with Techvil Patent & Law Firm ( which is one of the leading Korean intellectual property firms for IP application matters. Techvil was found by patent and trademark attorneys who were primary examiners in Korean Intellectual Property Office.
We remain abreast of the rapidly changing legal environments through the close contact with government agencies, currently available information services, and foreign associates. We are always ready to provide our clients with high quality professional services.
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