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Letter No.2 (2002-11-26) |
Patent News |
Hot News
Kia undergoing difficulties in registering "Sorento" in U.S.
Kia is reportedly undergoing difficulties in
registering its Sorento sport utility vehicle
with the U.S. patent authorities. The U.S. government
has initially turned down Kia's application, citing
the existing registration of a U.S. boat company,
named Sorrento. Kia has also been forced to change
the name for its new top-of-the-line luxury sedan,
slated to hit the market early next year, from
Regent to Opirus, as the Regent had already been
a patented brand of German automaker Opel.
Korea & Malaysia Forward Patent Cooperation
On October 24, 2002, Kwang-rim KIM, Commissioner
of the KIPO, had a patent conference with Muhyiddin
Yassin, Minister of the Ministry of Domestic Trade
& Consumer Affairs in Malaysia. They agreed
to increase cooperation in dealing with patent
applications between Korea and Malaysia as follows:
(1) Regarding patent applications filed with
the Malaysian Intellectual Property Division (MIPD),
the KIPO shall handle the examination of those
patent applications. The particulars will be executed
after the working level consultations.
(2) When a Korean applicant files a patent application
with the MIPD, the patent application can be registered
at the MIPD only with the submission of a copy
of the Letters Patent issued by the KIPO. In this
case, an additional search for a prior art or
an examination is not necessary at the MIPD. The
particulars will be executed after the working
level consultations.
(3) To support the development of the electronic
system of the MIPD, the KIPO shall dispatch specialists
in the field of Information Technology, and provide
the MIPD with consulting services. Also, the KIPO
shall enlarge training opportunities for the officials
of the MIPD by inducing them to participate in
the training programs on international intellectual
property rights, supervised by the International
Patent Training Institute of the KIPO.
Case Laws
Re Similarity of Designated Goods
According to the Article 10 Paragraph 2 of the
Korean Trademark Act, the classes of goods referred
to under paragraph(1) of this Article shall not
be construed to limit the extent of similarity
of the goods. The classes of goods under Korean
Trademark Law and Trademark Enforcement Regulations
were legislated only to meet the convenience of
administrations, and not to be legal standards
for deciding the similarity of the goods compared.
Moreover, the similarity between the designated
goods should be decided in view of the fact whether
or not the goods are subject to be misunderstood
as being manufactured or saled by same manufactuers
when using an identic or similar trademark on
the goods compared.
(Patent Court Division 3, No. 2002 huh 2501,
August 29, 2002)
cf) Article 10 ¡¼One Application for One Trademark¡½
Paragraph(1) Any person who intends to file an
application for trademark registration, shall
designate one category or more of goods with respect
to the categories of goods as prescribed by the
Ordinance of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry
and Energy, and make an application for each trademark.
In such cases, where an application seeks registration
for both goods and services at the same time,
such an intent must be stated in the application.
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