Mailzine |

Letter No.17 (2004-02-27) |
Korean IP News |
KIPO Launches 'Product-Interpretation Search'
For the convenience of trademark patent applicants,
KIPO(Korean Intellectual Property Office) launched
a product-interpretation service, starting February
14. In the past, applicants experienced a lot
of difficulties in designating products when filing
trademark applications due to the emergence of
new products following industrial development
and the lack of unified product names.
When trademark examiners or trial judges wanted
to understand the exact usage and functions of
certain products, they also had difficulty as
they had to find certain products one after the
other through the Internet or encyclopedia.
In order to ease such difficulties, KIPO has
enabled applicants to search interpretations of
about 5,000 products via the Internet, except
for widely known goods, out of some 7,070 product
items listed in the enforcement regulations of
the Trademark Act. KIPO's newly-launched service
also provides photos in addition to interpretations
of product usages and functions so that anyone
can easily understand them.
Without stopping here with the present product
interpretation service, KIPO plans to provide
'service business interpretation and also to publish
interpretation leaflets for goods and services,
whose patent applications have been thus far filed
or those that are newly emerging in the market
but not included in the list of the Trademark
Act's enforcement regulations. The service is
carrying product names also in English as part
of efforts to cope with the international trends
of trademark applications.
Those who want to receive this service, please
visit KIPO's home page (, click
'Information Search Section' and then input product
names desired.
Korean researchers succeeded in developing material
for preventing spread of SARS virus
A substance for prevent the spread of the Severe
Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) virus, which
had once dealt a fatal blow to South East Asia
and China, has been developed by Korean researchers.
Professor Suh Man-cheol, Korea Polytechnic University,
and Kwon Doo-han, senior researcher, Korea Research
Institute of Bioscience & Bio Technology (KRIBB)
announced on December 3 that they have succeeded
in developing a substance which can control the
spread of the Transmissible GastroEnteritis Virus
(TGEV), a kind of SARS virus (Corona virus), up
to 55% after their research for more than three
The substance developed by the research team led
by professor Suh is obtained by extracting thyme
and cinnamon through vapor extraction and diluting
in a dissolvent at a proportion of 1 to 100,000.
The substance is more effective that the ginger
root (50% effect) extracts developed by a research
team at Tokyo University.
In addition, the substance found to be effective
in killing or controlling various germs including
flu viruses, staphylococci, colitis germs as well
as SARS viruses.
LG Chemical Ltd. develops a new high barrier
plastic material for the first time
LG Chemical Ltd. announced on 18th that LG has developed
a new plastic material (HYPERIER) of high barrier,
high engineering to which a nano-technology is applied
with LG's own technology for the first time in the
This new material is used in fuel tanks for vehicles,
food/cosmetics containers, etc., which is the
latest engineering plastic preventing exposure
of contained materials such as solvent, moisture,
gas, etc. LG Chemical Ltd. revealed that "Hyperier
has high barrier ability which is capable of making
a single layer mold, and thus cost for investment
on expensive molding process devices and purchase
of raw materials can be drastically reduced, which
is expected to greatly contribute in uplifting
cost competitiveness of the processing industries".
LG Chemical Ltd. has focused on research &
development since 2001 at the LG Chemical Tech
Center in order to develop this new material,
and is planning to introduce barrier cosmetics
containers by the early half of this year. Also,
LG revealed that in order to apply the new material
to fuel tanks for vehicles, LG is currently conducting
research & development jointly with domestic/foreign
auto makers.
SKT, developed a moving picture compression technology
of the next generation
On February 22, 2004, SK Telecom stated that it
succeeded in practically using H.264 (video) and
MPEG4 HE AAC (audio) technology, moving picture
compression technologies recognized as the technology
of the next generation, and that it will be presenting
mobile phones applying said technology through Samsung
Electronics and LG Electronics.
SK Telecom explained that H.264 and MPEG4 HE
AAC technology are moving picture technologies
of the next generation which can enhance the compression
rate by more than 50% of that of the existing
technology, and that this is the first time for
it to be practically used in the world.
Since last 1997, standardization matters have
been discussed at the International Telecommunication
Union (ITU), the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO), etc. SK Telecom has begun
full-scale development from last 2001, and made
it practically used through a final test in three
In particular, with the advent of this moving
picture compression technology, the company's
multimedia services such as 'JUNE' are showing
increased screen quality, and reduced time for
download. It is expected to act as an amplifier
for activating services by providing video on
demand (VOD), music on demand (MOD), etc. for
a 30% price.
For example, when watching a one and a half minute
long music video, it could only be compressed
to 1.4 MB using the existing compression method.
However, by using this technology, it can be compressed
to even 0.98 MB so as to enable it to receive
various other contents.
Patyellow News
DOWON Translation
Dowon Trans, a subsidiary of DOWON International,
is a leading provider of patent translations to
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age through DowonTrans.