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Letter No.16 (2004-01-27) |
Korean IP News |
The Korean IPR System
1. Brief Introduction to Intellectual Property
(1) Patent : An invention is protected upon the
grant of a patent pursuant to the Patent Law.
The invention must satisfy the basic criteria
of industrial applicability, novelty and inventive
step(non-obrionsness). And "invention must
be a highly advanced creation of technical ideas
utilizing rules of nature".
(2) Utility Model : A device which relate to the
shape, structure of an article or a combination
of articles is protected upon the registration
of a utility model pursuant to the Utility Model
Law. The device also must satisfy the same basic
criteria of invention and be a creation of a technical
idea utilizing the laws of nature.
(3) Design : The design protected by the Design
Law is defined as "the shape, pattern, color
or any combination thereof in the article which
produces an aesthetic impression in the sense
of sight." The term "article" is
generally considered as a tangible, movable and
independent thing.
(4) Trademark & Service mark : Trademarks
and service marks(Trademark hereinafter) may be
protected by the Trademark Law. A trademark under
the Trademark Act is " a sign, a character,
a figure, a three-dimentional shape or any combination
thereof or those with colors which are used on
goods or service by a person who produces, manufactures,
processes, sells or certifies such goods or services
in order to distinguish his goods or services
from those of others".
(5) Copyright : Creative works in the literary,
scientific or artistic domain are protected by
the Copyright Law.
(6) New Forms of Intellectual Properties: Trade
Secrets, Computer Program, Semiconductor Chip
Layout Designs, Database, New Plant Varieties
etc. In 1991, a statutory basis was provided for
the protection of trade secrets, by an amendment
to the Unfair Competition Prevention Act. In 1987,
the Computer Program Protection Act was passed,
providing sui generis protection for computer
software. For the protection of semiconductor
chip layout designs, the Government passed the
Semiconductor Chip Layout Design Act in 1992,
which became effective in September 1993. Databases
and certain neighboring rights of copyrighted
works have been protected by amendments to the
Copyright Act in 1993 and 1995. In 1995, a special
law, to become effective at the end of 1997, was
passed to provide protection for new plant varieties.
2. International Treaties for the protection
of Intellectual Property
The Republic of Korea have joined the following
International Treaties for the protection of Intellectual
(¥¡) The Convention Establishing the World Intellectual
Property Organization (1967)
(¥¢) The Paris Convention for the Protection of
Intellectual Property (1980)
(¥£) The Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) (1984)
(¥¤) The Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition
of the Deposit Microorganism for the Purpose of
Patent Procedure (1988)
(¥¥) The WTO Agreement on Trade related aspect
of Intellectual Property Rights; TRIPs Agreement
(¥¦) The Berne Convention for the Protection of
Literary and Artistic Works (1996)
(¥§) The Strasbourg Agreement Concerning the International
Patent Classification (1998)
(¥¨) The Nice Agreement Concerning the International
Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes
of Registration of marks. (1998)
(¥©) The Trademark Law Treaty. (2002)
(¥ª) Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement
Concerning the International Registration of Marks
3. Foreign Applicants
A foreign applicant for the registration of intellectual
property who has no domicile or residence in the
Republic of Korea shall file an application through
a representative who has a domicile or residence
in the Republic of Korea. This is to facilitate
communication between the applicant and the Korean
Intellectual Property Office. Documents, submitted
to KIPO must be written in Korean.
Brief history of Korean IPR System
Modern industrial property administration was first
introduced in Korea in 1946 when the Ministry of
Trade, Industry, and Energy established the Patent
Bureau to deal with all matters relating patents,
utility models, industrial designs and trademarks.
In 1977, the Bureau became independent and was
renamed the Office of Patent Administration, headed
by a Commissioner of vice ministerial rank.
The office adopted the previous name "Korean
Industrial Property Office (KIPO)" in 1988
and changed its name to Korean Intellectual Property
Office in June, 2000 to better reflect the office's
overall functions.
Since the enforcement of the Patent Law in 1961,
the Trademark Law in 1949, and the Design Law
in 1961, KIPO has made concerted efforts to upgrade
Korea's IPR system and has made many adjustments
to successfully cope with the changing international
trends and standards in the IPR field.
In accordance with the adoption of the DDA/TRIPs
Agreement, KIPO is making the additional amendiments
and enactments to fully equip the industrial property
Following Korea's joining WIPO in 1979, Korea
became a party to the Paris Convention for the
Protection of Industrial Property in 1980 and
has abided by the principle of giving equal treatment
to nationals and foreign nationals alike. In 1984,
Korea acceded to the Patent Cooperation Treaty
(PCT), and in 1988, KIPO became a party to the
Budapest Treaty. In addition, in 1999, KIPO started
the functions as the PCT International Search
Authority (ISA) and International Preliminary
Examining Authority (IPEA).
At present the annual number of Patent and Utility
Model applications totals 145,752, Trademarks
108,077, Industrial Designs 37,681 (2002).
In addition the number of applications for inventions
especially in high technology fields has gradually
been increasing.
Electronic PCT Application System Launched
On January 1, 2004, KIPO launched an electronic
filing service for international PCT (Patent Cooperation
Treaty) applications via CD. PCT is a system that
has the effect of filing of applications all over
the world with a single application.
As for domestic applications, KIPO has been
operating the electronic application system since
1999. In the case of the PCT application, however,
KIPO could not implement it because WIPO (World
Intellectual Property Organization) which administers
the PCT, had not prepared the necessary groundwork.
With the development and distribution of WIPO's
software, PCT-SAFE, in December last year, KIPO
was able to implement the PCT-electronic application
For the implementation of PCT-electronic applications,
development of systems had to be made, in addition
to the WIPO software, which could carry out a
series of work, such as to receive electronically
applied files, record the application on electronic
documents after checking for errors and transmit
them to WIPO. Those countries that are implementing
PCT- electronic applications in January this year
after preparation of all the necessary systems
are only three: Korea, EPO (European Patent Office)
and Finland.
It is also noteworthy that in order to encourage
PCT-electronic applications, WIPO decided to reduce
the application fee for filing electronic applications
utilizing WIPO's PCT-SAFE by about 20% (250,000
won) of the 1,200,000 won. As KIPO is equipped
with a system that can receive electronic applications
simultaneously with WIPO, domestic applicants
will receive the fee-reduction benefit from the
initial implementation stage. Domestic PCT applications
number about 3,000 a year, so annual savings of
about 700 million won is expected with the implementation
of the PCT-electronic application system.
KIPO is also developing a system to support
international PCT applications via the Internet
and plans to implement it in the same manner as
for domestic application presently being filed
via the Internet.
Patyellow News
IP and Technical Information Service of DOWON
IP and technical information service of DOWON
International has played a key role in the patent
and technical information service in Korea since
it was established in 1994. DOWON International
provides a prompt and convenient service by joining
the existing offline service with an online service
through PatYellow. You will meet the best and
unimitable service provided by patent information
We provide you with the best service regarding
IP Application, Searching, Translation and Technology
transfer at a lower price.
Book Introduction
the 21st Century with Intellectual Property Rights
- Ho-Hyun Nahm / January 15, 2004